Waiting for it to End
by June Woest and Mari Omori, 2013
Diverseworks, Houston, TX
Diverseworks, Houston, TX
About the Project
L'esprit de L'escalier, is a french phrase, translated by Mari Omori and June Woest to mean "in the spirit of an escalator". The collaboration emphasizes the never ending horizon where the appearance of earth and sky intersect. The work is an indoor landscape for the construction of memories and regrets. Materials included a massage table, wet clay, 07mm plastic, duct tape, carpet squares, and looping video footage.
L'esprit de L'escalier, is a french phrase, translated by Mari Omori and June Woest to mean "in the spirit of an escalator". The collaboration emphasizes the never ending horizon where the appearance of earth and sky intersect. The work is an indoor landscape for the construction of memories and regrets. Materials included a massage table, wet clay, 07mm plastic, duct tape, carpet squares, and looping video footage.
Curator's Statementby Rachel Cook
An exhibition featuring works by members of the DiverseWorks Artist Board L’esprit de l’escalier, and their collaborators. It is a French pun translated idiomatically as “staircase wit,” refers to the inevitable situation of finding oneself thinking of the perfect comeback to an argument too late. The retort, when removed from the context of its original instigation, has a tendency to lose its potency leading to incidences of regret and remorse. Through a wide variety of artistic strategies, the DiverseWorks Artist Board grapples with how words, events, or objects become dislocated or removed from their original context. The title provides the artists with a loose framework for the creation of new work (or the re-presentation of existing work) for this exhibition which includes objects, text-works, moving image pieces, and a series of performative and literary events. Diverseworks Website InfoArtist Board Members & Exhibition CollaboratorsDiverseworks Artist Board Members included in this exhibition are Lucinda Cobley, Sasha Dela, Lydia Hance, Trenton Doyle Hancock, John Harvey, Maria Cristina Jadick, Courtney D. Jones, Eric Leshinsky, Gabriel Martinez, Lynne McCabe, Katrina Moorhead, Gene Morgan, Mari Omori, Otabenga Jones & Associates (Jamal Cyrus and Robert A. Pruitt, Aaron Parazette, Leslie Scates, Hélène Schlumberger, Kellye Sanford, Kelly Sears, and Damon Smith, along with collaborators Nick Hennies, Sandy Ewen, Zach Moser, jhon r. stronks, and June Woest.
Video footage showing on the wall behind the massage table.